Rev. Brianne Mary Rhodus
My householder day job is a private practice as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Massage Therapist, and seasonal meditation instructor for my alma mater, Naropa University - helping to train other mindfulness-based counselors. I absolutely LOVE my work, I love my clients, and I am so grateful to get to do what I do to make money. Clients come to me to find healing from trauma with EMDR therapy, find better cooperation and communication in couple counseling, to feel good in connection to their bodies through massage, and to build tools to live their most peaceful life through meditation. I have a background as an instructor in environmental education, wilderness therapy, snowboarding and meditation, so teaching is a large part of my practice in helping to empower people through fostering their own awareness and skills towards a well balanced life. I am a student and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Dharma Ocean.
In this AHHA ministry, I consider myself a guide as I facilitate exploring inner and outer terrain. I’m not a fan of the term coach, although many psychotherapists choose to do "coaching" as a way to expand their offerings beyond the limitations by the scope of practice of a psychotherapy license. As a guide, I am more free to synthesize my skill set, expansive training, professional backgrounds, and personal experiences to be centered around healing, teaching and ascension. This work is less oriented around professional standards, and more person, heart and love centered. I am a teacher, leader and advocate for the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness Movement. I am a seeker of Truth, contemplator of consciousness, Transpersonal doula, Dragon Priestess.
Many of us have scars from religion in various ways. When I was considering my Center for Sacred Studies training, I was turned off by the term minister because of the Christian associations. The spiritual leader of CSS Jyoti Ma’s response to that concern of mine was that with the term minister, I may move in spaces I might otherwise not be able to and be given rights, similar to what was granted with the Native American church. That felt satisfactory :) I also like embracing the title as ad-ministering Love. So this is being a minister in the church of our own right - in service to Divine Feminine Mother of all Life: SophiaGaia. I grew up going to a Catholic Church, which felt empty in its dogmatic ortho-praxi ways, although the community was lovely. I have always been more drawn to the mystical sects of religion, as well as the perennial philosophies of the world. When I attended my first tipi meeting in the Native American Church I knew I had found my real church. My heart wanted to sing in a way I had never experienced in the previous patriarchal church I was raised in.
This ministry is dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and guided by the prophesy of the eagle and the condor that many indigenous people of the Americas have been upholding. The eagle is seen as the north and the mind, while the condor is seen as the south and the heart. The prophecy is about bridging them together, and as Grandmother wisdom dictates: it’s the shortest trip you’ll ever take, just nine inches from your head to your heart. Uniting the two through empowering the voice to speak true expression, allowing the ego-mind to be in service to the heart. Much of my journey has been finding my own way to do that and now also helping others to do the same. I know how scary it is to let myself be heard and seen… and yet it is one of the things I long for most deeply and is now most needed for all of us in our collective evolution. For many of us, we have deep fears on a soul level from so many past enslavements and heresy hangings that have left a traumatic legacy of hiding who we really are. How do we choose instead a legacy of love? How do we embrace true self love vs the self aggrandizement of the ego that is so prevalant, pervasive and destroying our beloved blue planet?
I hope that this ministry lends itself in my ability to facilitate more justice & equity for oppressed communities - to give back for the greatest good of the collective. I hope to be a guide in people's journeys toward making the necessary shift of bridging the head with the heart, to dismantle the corruption and greed of white supremacy-colonialism-capitalism-patriarchy aka the machine, to usher in the new paradigm of an ecological economy based on harmony, respect & reciprocity for All Our Interconnected Relations. Allowing the ego to bow to the Heart, the persona to be refined in service to Spirit. I’d love to lead trips into the backcountry, weaving in Sacred Plant Medicines and other body/earth based practices for a healing retreat experience.
I grew up in Minnesota, very thankful to have loving and supportive family, friends and communities along the way. College degrees in Philosophy & Environmental Studies. Lived/worked at the Omega Institute in NY for several seasons. Spent my 20s living the dream as a ski bum in Telluride and spent my 30s in Boulder building my psychotherapy private practice. I'm a devotee of the Gma and worship the Goddess in all her forms. I've pledged my life in deep service to Gaia and protecting the Sacred. I Love to sing, dance, be in ceremony and commune with Nature in her beautiful playground. Love living outside. Love animals and plants and making medicines like wildcrafted salves and tinctures. Enjoy exploring Divination tools like the I Ching and the Tarot. The pillars of my personal practice and prayer life help ground, resource, and replenish me. I'm athletic, adventurous, assertive and love to play. I enjoy growing food, flowers and herbs and have fun being creative with arts n crafts, especially clay and drawing. I love to travel and have been fortunate in getting to see much of the world. I like to spend my downtime reading, writing and taking baths. I have no official degrees/certifications in yoga or herbalism (oh if only I could go to school for everything I love all the time), although I’ve been studying and practicing them informally as passionate hobbies for many years. I have studied birthwork with Wise Woman midwives and am a trained birth doula. Esoteric Wisdomkeeping, Eco-psychology, and Eco-feminism are all woven into the Healing Arts framework of my ministry.
I am very grateful for my loving partner Josh and his son Katori. Josh practices Chinese Medicine out of Durango, CO, if you are in need of acupuncture, herbal medicine, moxibustion, and/or Tuina bodywork, he is quite the healer, at www.redhandmedicine.com

Jane of many trades, Master of some
Experience and Qualifications
Psilocybin Facilitator Training, Naropa University, July 2024-Jan 2024
Egyptian Mystery School Priestess training, Bloom Temple with Dr. Rima Bonario, June 2024 - Present
Traditional Plant Dieta with Don Jose Campos of Centro Munay, Amazon Rainforest of Peru. – May 2024
Dr. Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy: Attachment-based Interventions for Couples in Crisis. – Spring 2024
Dick Schwartz’s Internal Family Systems Therapy Master Class: Experience IFS Therapy in Action with Complex Trauma and PTSD – Fall 2023
Internal Family Systems semester with Uri Talmor at Naropa University – Winter/Spring 2024
Shamanic Journeying for Healing: Traverse worlds to connect with helping spirits and nature beings for hope, healing and guidance, with Sandra Ingerman – Winter 2024
Zumba Instructor Licensing Program – Winter 2024
2020 – 2023
~Magical Activism and Ritual Skills course, with Starhawk
2021 – 2023
~ Breathwork and Ancestral Healing, with Lauren Morlock of Lolunaris
~ Mother Mary Speaks, with Kaia Ra and the Sophia Code Dragon Tribe
Summer 2022 – Spring 2023
~ Sutrayana Hinayana and Mahayana, and Vajrayana courses, with Dharma Ocean Tibetan Buddhist lineage
Fall 2022
~ Sophia Code Circle, Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness Movement
Winter 2023
~ The Living Song; Empowered Voice and Soul of Songwriting, with Ayla Nereo
2020 – 2022
~ Minister of Walking Prayer training, with Center for Sacred Studies
Summer 2022
~ Wild Medicine Retreat, with Julie Peterson of Singing Springs Botanicals
Summer 2021
~ River Course, with Dr. Joe Tafur of Modern Spirit and The Fellowship of the River
Spring 2022
~ Working with the plant spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma, with Puma Quispe Singona
~ Chrysalis Conscious Heart Integration: Gestalt and Internal Family Systems, with Uri Talmor
Winter 2021
~ Courageous Dreaming, with Alberto Villoldo of the Four Winds
Winter 2020
~ Permaculture Design Course, with Starhawk and Earth Activist Training
Summer 2019
~ Theta Healing Training, with Polina LeRoy of Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge
Fall 2018 – Spring 2019
~ Meditation Instructor Training, with Naropa University
Aug 2018
~ Collaborations with the Natural World Training, with Katie Asmus LPC
Fall 2016
~ EMDR Training, with the Maiberger Institute
Fall 2011; Jan-Dec 2013
~ Holistic Doula and Midwifery training, with The Matrona and Leonie Lange
Winter-Spring 2009
~ Massage School, 1000 hours, with the Finger Lakes School of Massage
Feb-May 2006
~ Outdoor Educator Semester-Wilderness First Responder, with the National Outdoor Leadership School
Master of Arts in Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling, 2014 – 2017 Naropa University, Boulder, CO
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Environmental Studies, 2001 – 2005 Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL
